![7 days to die texture mods](https://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/g/greathigh-power/20200126/20200126194043.jpg)
![7 days to die texture mods 7 days to die texture mods](http://networkingmultifiles.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/3/2/123203843/707382138.jpg)
I'm betting the GPU is probably a much bigger problem than the dualcore CPU.
![7 days to die texture mods 7 days to die texture mods](https://iriveramerica.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Medieval-mod.jpg)
I think the gfx pp command (or turning off SSReflections and SSAO and DepthOfField in the game's options) and lowering your in-game resolution as much as you can stand will probably be the biggest helpers because they lighten the load on what I'm guessing is a pretty battery-efficient but kinda wimpy integrated GPU. These also tend to reset when I exit out of one save to switch to another save or if I restart the game. The GFX PP one works fine in-game though for me. Entering them after loading a map/save doesn't seem to work. Not sure if it's just me or if this is how it normally works on a17, but those last two console commands you mention -LODdistance and ViewDistance- seem to only really work for me if I pull down the F1 menu and enter them in while I'm on the game's main screen before selecting and loading a save/map.
![7 days to die texture mods](https://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/g/greathigh-power/20200126/20200126194043.jpg)